AviLease Enhances Air India Express Fleet with New Boeing 737-8s

First Batch of Advanced Aircraft Leased in 2024

AviLease has achieved a significant milestone by providing Air India Express Limited with two state-of-the-art Boeing 737-8 airplanes. These jets are the initial segment of a total of six to be supplied throughout the year 2024.

Renowned for its fuel efficiency, sustainability, and cutting-edge technology, the Boeing 737-8 represents the forefront of narrow-body aviation. These initial deliveries are indicative of AviLease’s strategic plan to curate a varied assembly of the most contemporary and technologically superior narrow- and wide-body aircraft in the industry.

We are delighted to deliver the first two of six new Boeing 737-8 aircraft to Air India Express. Our partnership with Air India continues to strengthen under Tata Group ownership, and we are proud to support their fleet modernization program. We wish the Air India Express team continued success with their commitment to provide affordable and reliable air travel to its customers, expressed Edward O’Byrne, the Chief Executive Officer of AviLease.

Supporting the diversification of Saudi Arabia’s economy and fostering growth in non-oil GDP sectors, AviLease aligns with the Public Investment Fund’s mission. It plays an integral role in enriching the aviation sector and enhancing financial sustainability within the aviation ecosystem, resonating with the objectives of Vision 2030. AviLease is dedicated to generating local economic opportunities and creating an array of job prospects for the Saudi community within the aviation and financial domains.

The recent aircraft provision is a testament to AviLease’s swift international growth. Tasked with providing eco-friendly and effective leasing and financing solutions to airlines across the globe, the company is instrumental in broadening the Kingdom’s aviation landscape.

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