SFD’s High-Level Engagements at Vienna’s OPEC Development Forum

Saudi Fund for Development CEO Discusses Global Challenges

Sultan bin Abdulrahman Al-Marshad, the Chief Executive Officer of the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), was actively engaged in the OPEC Fund Development Forum held in Vienna. His participation was marked by discussions aimed at enhancing support for nations working towards the Sustainable Development Goals amidst the backdrop of current worldwide challenges.

During the event, Al-Marshad met with Julius Maada Bio, President of Sierra Leone. Their conversation centered on the SFD’s role in financing development initiatives within Sierra Leone and explored avenues for bolstering bilateral ties, as conveyed by an SFD statement.

Additionally, Al-Marshad engaged in dialogue with several state officials, including Shehan Semasinghe, Sri Lanka’s State Minister of Finance, Hussain Sham Adam, Maldives’ Minister of State for Finance, and Bihi Egeh, Somalia’s Minister of Finance. These discussions revolved around ongoing development projects funded by the SFD and methods to strengthen cooperation to finance critical development sectors, as well as reviewing the existing relationships between the fund and these nations.

The one-day forum served as a convergence point for government dignitaries, institutional leaders, and international development experts. They convened to navigate the prevailing challenges and prospects for instigating transformative and sustainable development, encapsulated by the theme Driving Resilience and Equity.

For over five decades, the SFD has been instrumental in funding various key sectors in Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Such contributions by the fund have significantly aided social advancement and economic prosperity in communities striving towards sustainable development, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.

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