ROSHN Waterfront Unveils Majestic Mural

Artistic Transformation Elevates Jeddah's Coastline

In a stunning display of creativity and collaboration, the ROSHN Waterfront has introduced a visually striking mural, spanning its entire walkway, which measures an impressive 16,000 square meters. The artwork, a result of the combined efforts of local artists and volunteers, encapsulates the essence of Jeddah’s vibrant culture and the distinctive characteristics of ROSHN.

The initiative to beautify the waterfront not only serves to enhance its visual appeal but also underscores ROSHN’s dedication to improving the quality of life in Jeddah. It reflects the company’s support for Saudi talent and its recognition of art’s vital role in fostering wellbeing.

Since its opening in 2017 and subsequent rebranding in 2022, ROSHN Waterfront has emerged as a beloved destination, attracting over 55 million annual visitors. The area is well-equipped with extensive walkways, jogging paths, and cycling lanes, all nestled under the cool shade of lush trees, making it one of Jeddah’s most frequented leisure spots.

Ghada AlRumayan, ROSHN Group’s Chief Marketing Officer, expressed profound gratitude for the collaboration and volunteer support that brought this vision to fruition. She emphasized the project’s alignment with the Saudi Vision 2030 goals of transforming Jeddah into one of the world’s most habitable cities. AlRumayan voiced her hope that the new design will delight visitors and spark further community-centered ventures that contribute to the enrichment of local living standards.

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