Absher Platform: A Cornerstone of Saudi Digital Transformation

Enhancing public services and financial inclusion under Vision 2030

The Absher platform in Saudi Arabia has become a cornerstone of the nation’s digital transformation, offering a variety of digital services to citizens, residents, and businesses. Launched in 2010 under the Ministry of Interior, Absher now provides services ranging from national ID issuance to passport renewal, aligning with the goals of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 to modernize public services and enhance their availability.

Initial Focus and Expansion

Originally, Absher aimed at improving civil registration, passport issuance, and traffic management. Over time, it expanded to cover various government and private sector services, emphasizing automation to enhance user experience, reliability, security, and efficiency.

A 2020 study by the European Journal of Economic and Financial Research showed that users generally have a positive attitude towards Absher, finding it easy to use and beneficial. Services like digital ID renewals, residency permits, and driver’s license processing have simplified administrative tasks and promoted financial inclusion, making Absher a leading digital government platform in the Middle East.

Growth and Integration

Absher has extended its reach to the private sector, particularly in financial services, enabling secure digital identity verification for transactions. In July 2024 alone, Absher processed over 7.7 million digital transactions, including identity verification and residency permits, reinforcing its role in Saudi Arabia’s digital transformation.

Impact on Financial Inclusion

Absher’s integration with the financial sector has significantly enhanced financial inclusion in Saudi Arabia by streamlining secure financial transactions. This has supported the Financial Sector Development Program, increasing digital wallet and bank account ownership to 94% of adults.

Saudi economist Talat Hafiz highlighted that the goal of financial inclusion is to make financial services accessible and affordable, aligning with government initiatives under Vision 2030. Robust policies have been implemented to enhance financial inclusion, recognizing its importance for economic growth.

Economic and Social Impact

Absher has drastically reduced license processing times and saved nearly SAR 23 billion (US$6.1 billion), streamlining government processes and improving service delivery. This digital transformation aligns with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, aiming to modernize the economic and governance framework, thus improving the quality of life.

According to the World Bank, 74% of adults in Saudi Arabia now have bank accounts, and the use of digital payments is rising. However, challenges remain in financial access, especially among women and rural populations. Mobile phone infrastructure and regulatory frameworks have facilitated secure financial transactions, but efforts are needed to close existing gaps.

Financial System Stability

The IMF’s 2024 Financial System Stability Assessment for Saudi Arabia reports a strong financial sector, resilient to economic shocks. However, it advises enhancing risk monitoring, supervisory authority, and data collection to ensure long-term stability, particularly in expanding credit and real estate markets.

Future Challenges

As Absher continues to grow, challenges in infrastructure, security, and public trust will arise. Maintaining a robust digital infrastructure and enhancing transparency and security are essential. Absher’s integration with global financial systems could further boost Saudi Arabia’s role in the global digital economy, supporting its Vision 2030 goals.

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