Invitation for Public Feedback on Satellite Spectrum Regulations

Regulating Satellite Communications in the Kingdom

The Communications, Space, and Technology Commission (CST) has announced an open call for public participation to gather insights on the proposed Regulations for the Use of Radio Spectrum for Satellite Services. This initiative is designed to streamline the utilization of radio frequencies in wireless communication services, with an emphasis on enhancing spectrum efficiency and adhering to global best practices while safeguarding against any detrimental interference.

Key facets of the proposed regulations include the delineation of license categories for satellite services, encompassing mobile, fixed, and broadcast satellite services. The document also details the technical specifications and conditions for these licenses, along with the criteria and processes for the allocation of frequencies to various satellite radio services and applications.

The CST is reaching out to all parties with a vested interest, from both domestic and global spheres, to contribute their comprehensive feedback. Submissions should be well-researched and supported by analytical studies, benchmarks, and relevant data. The deadline for input is set for April 30, and contributions can be made through the CST’s official website.

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