KAUST Hosts Inaugural SABIC Day to Boost R&D Synergy

Academic-Industrial Alliance Reinforces Saudi R&D Ambitions

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) recently marked a significant stride in research and development (R&D) within Saudi Arabia by hosting the inaugural SABIC Day. The event stands as a testament to the fortified partnership between educational and industrial sectors, particularly targeting initiatives such as the circular economy, achieving carbon neutrality, and creating distinct solutions.

Dr. Bob Maughon, SABIC’s Executive Vice President of Sustainability, Technology and Innovation, spoke about the vast opportunities for enhanced cooperation that align with the broader Saudi Vision 2030 objectives. These goals include fostering a technologically savvy and environmentally sustainable economy.

This is a pivotal moment, remarked KAUST President Tony Chan, acknowledging SABIC’s dedication to fostering innovation and sustainability. Dr. Najah Ashry, KAUST’s Vice President for Strategic National Advancement, also highlighted the vital influence that the collaboration between academia and industry plays in propelling meaningful research that contributes to sustainable development.

The day’s proceedings underscored the collaborative spirit prevalent among Saudi institutions, which are increasingly working in unison to meet the Kingdom’s ambitious development targets.

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