Saudi Civil Aviation Delegation Embarks on Global Tour

Strategic Dialogues to Foster Air Transport and Economic Growth

A specialized team from Saudi Arabia’s civil aviation authority is set to embark on a series of diplomatic missions spanning three influential nations – Singapore, China, and the United States. From February 19 to 29, 2024, the group, led by Abdulaziz Al-Duailej, the head of the General Authority of Civil Aviation, will be engaging in high-level discussions focused on enhancing air connectivity, stimulating economic progress, and supporting the objectives outlined in Saudi Vision 2030.

The initiative is part of Saudi Arabia’s strategy to amplify the contribution of the air transport sector to the national economy and to court investors from around the globe. During these visits, the delegation will explore significant investment prospects in civil aviation and showcase the Kingdom’s efforts to promote the sector, which in turn will increase travel, tourism, and cultural and commercial exchanges with the partner countries.

The itinerary commences in Singapore, with President Al-Duailej partaking in the esteemed Changi Aviation Summit and the Singapore Air Show. The journey will then lead to the United States, where Al-Duailej is set to attend the International Helicopter Exhibition in Anaheim. Additionally, the president is scheduled for meetings with various government representatives and civil aviation company executives in each country. The delegation’s agenda also includes roundtable discussions with industry stalwarts to highlight the latest achievements and the distinct opportunities available within the Saudi Aviation Strategy.

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