Najran’s Cultural Beacon: The Al-Ukhdood Visitor Center

A Portal to Heritage and History in Najran

At the heart of Najran lies a treasure trove of culture and history – the Al-Ukhdood Archaeological Site Visitor Center. Not only does it serve as a vital portal to the nation’s past, it also promotes awareness and appreciation for the area’s rich cultural and historical importance. The center has quickly become a must-see destination for both local and international tourists, offering an immersive journey into the national heritage.

The Heritage Commission meticulously established this facility within the archaeological site, sprawling across 300 square meters, with expansive front yards covering an additional 3,400 square meters. The center stands as a comprehensive source of information on the region’s historical narrative and the various civilizations that have left their mark on Najran.

Moreover, the center extends its educational reach to the younger generation with specialized halls for children. These spaces are filled with cultural and heritage information that takes visitors on an enlightening expedition through the different developmental stages of the Najran Region, enriched by the accounts of explorers and historians.

Another highlight is a dedicated hall where visitors can delve into the lives of Al-Ukhdood’s ancient inhabitants, learn about ongoing research and excavations, and marvel at the archaeological findings unearthed from the site.

The visitor center has witnessed a steady stream of curious individuals eager to connect with the past, with a notable footfall of 39,781 visitors in the year 2023 alone, indicating its growing popularity and significance as a cultural hub.

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